The project involves creating a fictional brand of coats in collaboration with the artist Hayao Miyazaki, renowned for his animated films. The brand, named “Aviatora,” draws inspiration from Miyazaki’s visual universe, particularly the film “Porco Rosso.” The process includes artist selection, logo creation, typographic choices, artwork analysis, color palette selection, and finally, the design of the coat and visuals for digital media.
The choice of Miyazaki is motivated by a personal and emotional connection with his works, especially “The Cat Returns” and “Spirited Away.” The “Aviatora” logo is inspired by a tilted coat collar reminiscent of an airplane. The “Optima” font is chosen to complement the logo.
For the creation of the coat, the colorist artist Michiyo Yasuda, who worked on Miyazaki’s films, inspires the color palette. The coat incorporates elements from Porco Rosso’s plane, with a removable quilted lower part representing the floating section of the aircraft.
The communication strategy highlights the exclusive collaboration with Hayao Miyazaki, emphasizing the use of environmentally friendly materials. The goal is to reach Porco Rosso fans and high-end fashion enthusiasts.
The communication plan includes visual content creation, collaboration with influencers, organizing a launch event, and communication through various channels. The messages aim to appeal to Porco Rosso fans and high-end fashion enthusiasts, emphasizing the coat’s uniqueness, quality, and ecological aspects.
The project concludes with the definition of goals, messages, an action plan, and indicators to assess the campaign’s success. The focus is on customer loyalty and building a strong brand image through this unique collaboration.